A snazzy new design to the comics section at Malmö City Library, complete with work stations and light boxes for making comics yourself. June 2, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
And we’re off! The official, public examination of the second year students from the Comic Art School is under way. May 28, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The distinguished panel that finished the comics conference at The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. Oh, and Rolf Classon… May 22, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The conference on comics at The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities is under way. Professor Boel Westin talks about Transmedial Muminology. May 22, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Reading huge amounts of applications to the Comic Art School right now. Seeing the future of Swedish comics unfold before my eyes. May 18, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The conference on comics, children and education is on. My presentation is done and now and now the panel on the project Comics in the Education is under way. May 5, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The inauguration of the Swedish Comics Archive’s new facilities in in Malmö starts with the official handing over of all the originals etc. left by the comics artist Sven Hemmel, by his son Jan to the head archivist Thomas Storn. April 25, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Elected President of the Swedish Comics Association, for the 18th time in a row. I guess I must be doing something right :) April 25, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
My little daughter thinks I’m boring, writing all the time, and fills my life, and my computer, with spring flowers. April 22, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The translations of comics into Swedish just keps getting more and more interesting. Really looking forward to reading these two recently arrived tomes. April 17, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Probably the thickest and least politically correct comic book collection I’ll receive this year … April 16, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Mikael Sol capturing my frustration at misplacing a huge Bill Watterson poster somewhere at the airport. February 1, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The festival in Angoulême is drawing to a close, and I’m just as tired and content as I look in this portrait by artist and friend Ulli Lust. February 1, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Steffen Kverneland drawing a portrait in my sketch book, which is rapidly filling up. February 1, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Tonight I had three of my favorite comics artists at the table: Nina Hemmingsson, Anneli Furmark and Ulli Lust! February 1, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Portrait by the incredibly talented Anneli Furmark. This was at the big Swedish dinner and I was just as tired as I look. Oh, and this was Anneli’s second go at drawing a portrait this evening, as she wasn’t happy with the first one … January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
One of the stranger publications found at the Angoulême festival: a pirate edition of Tintin au Congo translated into lingala, the official Congolese dialect. Done by the same publisher who did the (in)famous Katz a few years ago. January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The comics historian in me has been gathering everything concerning Charlie Hebdo. There’s no doubt about the theme of this years Angoulême festival. January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
At the massive Bill Watterson exhibition, with endless amounts of originals on display, including the first draft that he sent to the syndicate before the strip got started. January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Portrait Norwegian artist extraordinaire Steffen Kverneland, capturing my current state of bewilderment after three intense days at the Angoulême festival. January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Manifestation for Charlie Hebdo, with many of the professionals from the French comics industry present. January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The entrance to the very moving and surprisingly extensive and well curated exhibition on Charlie Hebdo, that the comics museum has put together in no time for the Angoulême festival. January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The joint party of the Swedes, the Finns, the Norwegians and the Germans. January 30, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
High art and low art? The beautiful poster by Bill Watterson is on display all over Angoulême. January 30, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A press conference at the press centre, with the “Je suis Charlie” sign on prominent display. January 30, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The festival makes it pretty clear where their alliances lies. January 30, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The Nordic Comics battle under way, with yours truly as the game host. January 30, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The big Nordic panel is under way, with a large, interested audience. January 29, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
And now: the fastest comics artist in Sweden, Mattias Adolfsson. January 29, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
And we’re off! Natalia Batista is the first Swedish artist to draw live on the Swedish stage at Angoulême. January 29, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
What happens when the biggest online shop for magazines in Sweden tries to sell far too few copies of Charlie Hebdo. January 20, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Building yet another venerable old Swedish comics character, out of LEGOs. Here’s my first prototype. Anyone who can guess which character I’m aiming for? January 18, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
My pet Christmas project of building the old Swedish comics character Adamson/Silent Sam out of LEGOs is coming to a close. I’ll probably keep tinkering some more now and then though, as this has been so much fun. January 5, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
We have brought down our LEGO collection from the attic for the Christmas holiday, and filled a whole room with LEGO parts and creativity. I have, of course tried to build a version of Adamson/Silent Sam. Here’s my first prototype. December 29, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Just received about half a meter of new books, to read through the long winter nights ahead, courtesy of Egmont. December 18, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Have just had a visit by the incredibly versatile artist Gert Lozell, who drew me as a character in his latest comic, set in 17th century Sweden. December 17, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A shipment from Daniel Lenneer. Couldn’t resist the three dimensional character… December 10, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Another Swedish comics publisher making good looking parcels for review copies. I see a trend forming. #adesmedia #dylandog #comics December 3, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Part of the strange loot from an evening going to antique book shops in the company of Saša Rakezić, a.k.a. Alexander Zograf. November 27, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Ok, so this is how all parcels with review copies should look like. Other publishers, take note! November 25, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A mashup portrait by fellow comics historian and Adamson aficionado, Saša Rakezić, aka comics artist Aleksxandar Zograf. November 20, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A Serbian edition of the Swedish children’s comic book Pellefant, from the late 1960s. How cool is that? November 19, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Some really interesting books from Norwegian publisher No Comprendo Press just arrived. November 15, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Årets bästa seriefanzin, såväl vad gäller design som innehåll. Utan tvekan det bästa jag fick tag på under AltCom. Ett råd till alla förlag: signa Steve Nyberg så snart ni bara kan! November 11, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Yet another Danish publisher reaching out across the channel, and publishing comics in Swedish. This is turning into a trend. November 10, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Tangible evidence of an interesting evening in the company of the very talented Yvan Alagbe. November 10, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Some of the loot from visiting the AltCom Festival yesterday. It’s open again today between one and seven, so go visit what is effectively the biggest comic shop in Southern Sweden right now. November 9, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Due to an unprecedented act of kindness, the Stromberg mansion has been augmented with eight, count ’em, eight deluxe Disney figurines. November 8, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Today, finally, the four volume, 2000 pages long Comics Through Time arrived. I wrote my entries for this massive encyclopedia more than two years ago, so it’s gratifying to finally hold these volumes in my hands. In doing so, I realize that this encyclopedia is almost twice the size of Maurice Horns gigantic World Encyclopedia of Comics of my childhood. November 6, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Nytt, stämningsfullt hyllningsnummer till saligen bortgångna Lasse Mortimer. Ut och köp! November 6, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Strange but true: There is at least one manufacturer in the world still making merchandise with the Swedish comics character Adamson/Silent Sam, even though the heyday of the strip was some 70-80 years ago. This little beauty, which arrived to the Stromberg mansion today, was produced in 2014, and not in Sweden… November 5, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Ett litet fynd: en löjliga familjen-inspirerad kortlek med figurer från serier i tidningen Allt för alla, gissningsvis från c:a 1930. November 3, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Watching legendary cartoonist Patrik Norrman rock the house with his zydeco band Mad Dogs October 29, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Festival boss Mikaela Elf, with one of the many gigantic posters that can be seen all over Jönköping right now. October 21, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
At the beautiful exhibition with art by Kim W. Andersson. #lovehurts #comics October 21, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Trying a new Trappiste beer. Now that’s not something you do every day. October 17, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A visit to a local second hand shop, looking for quite different things, rendered some interesting additions to the library. October 3, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Two, count ’em, two books by Åsa Grennvall now available in French. French readers won’t know what hit them. October 1, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A surprise find at the Book Fair: a 1944 pamphlet with comics advertising cocoa from Mazetti. Since we run the Comic Art Centre in the very building depicted on the cover, I just couldn’t resist buying this. It’ll probably end up on the shelves of the Comics Archive. September 29, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Some of the loot from the Book Fair was three dimensional this year. I like! September 28, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
One more caricature from the Book Fair, this one by the multi-talented Malin Biller. September 28, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Another favorite caricature from this year’s Book Fair, by the great Johanna Kristiansson. September 28, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Publishing duo Viktor Agering and Jens Andersson accepting the Urhunden Award for best translated graphic novel: Pyongyang by Guy Delisle. September 28, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
One of my favorite caricatures from this year’s Book Fair. By the inimitable Mattias Adolfsson. September 28, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Cartoonist Liv Strömquist on the cover to the official magazine for the Book Fair. September 27, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0