Curriculum vitae


2018–2022     PhD, Malmö University, Sweden

1995–1996     M.A. in Education, Malmö University, Sweden

1990–1995     M.A. in Economics, Lund University, Sweden


2022–           President of the Comics Archive (Malmö, Sweden)

2014–            Member of Serierådet (Malmö, Sweden)

2013–2015   Director of the Swedish Comics Association (Malmö, Sweden)

2012–2018   Editor of Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art (Malmö, Sweden)

2011–2017    Founding member and Board member of NNCORE, Nordic Network of Comics Research (Odense, Denmark)

2010–2018   President of Scandinavian Journal of Comics Art (Malmö, Sweden)

2010–            Editorial board member, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (Routledge, London, Great Britain)

2007–            Swedish representative on the Consultative Committee, European Comic Art (Liverpool University Press, Great Britain)

2004–            Swedish representative on the International Editorial Board, International Journal of Comic Art (John A. Lent, Philadelphia, USA)

2000–            Professor at the Comic Art School of Malmö (Sweden)

1997–            Editor of Bild & Bubbla (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

1997–2016     President of the Swedish Comics Association (Malmö, Sweden)

1996–            Reader for Bibliotekstjänst/BTJ (Lund, Sweden)


2024              Imagen Negras nos Quadrinhos – uma História Visual, (AISPAS, Brazil)

2022              Comic and the Middle east – Representation, Accommodation, Integration (Malmö University, Sweden)

2016              Serier i skolan – lärarhandledning för grundskolan (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

2015              Histoire de la bande dessinée Suedoise (PLG, Paris, Francce)

2014              Seriebiblioteket (BTJ Förlag, Lund, Sweden)

Serier och öl/Comics and Beer (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

Kapten Klara & C:o – Swedish Children’s Comics in the 21st Century (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

2013              Hvad er en tegneserie? – en begrebsanalyse (Damgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark)

2012              Jewish Images in the Comics – A Visual History (Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, USA)

Black Images in the Comics – A Visual history (extended and revised softcover edition, Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, USA)

2011              The Inheritors of Tintin – French Childrens’ Comics in the 21st Century (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

2010              La Propagande dans la BD (Eyrolles, Paris, France)

Images Noires dans la bande dessinée – la representation des noirs dans la bande dessinée  (PLG, Paris, France)

Comic Art Propaganda (Ilex Press, Lewes, Great Britain)

Comic Art Propaganda (St. Martin’s Griffen, New York, USA)

Swedish Comics History (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

2008              Mangabiblioteket (Bibliotekstjänst, Lund, Sweden)

2007              Manga! – Japanska serier och skaparglädje (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

2005              The Comics Go to Hell – A Visual History (Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, USA)

Seriebiblioteket (Bibliotekstjänst, Lund, Sweden)

2003              Black Images in the Comics – A Visual History (Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, USA)

Vad är tecknade serier? – En begreppsanalys (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

Swedish Comics History (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

Serienegeren – Fordomme fortalt i billeder (Mellemfolkelig Samvirke, Copenhagen, Denmark)

2001              Serienegern – en bildberättelse om fördomar (the Swedish Comics Association, Malmö, Sweden)

1999              100 oumbärliga seriealbum (Bibliotekstjänst, Lund, Sweden)

Journalistic assignments

2015-               Writer for Svenska Dagbladet.

2010–2011      Writer for The Comics Journal, Seattle, USA

2005–2013     Writer for, Malmö, Sweden

2003–2005    Writer for Manga Mania, Stockholm, Sweden

2000–2003    Writer for Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Malmö, Sweden

1994–2000     Writer for Nya Arbetet, Malmö, Sweden

1994–              Writer for Bild & Bubbla, Stockholm/Malmö, Sweden

Academic Essays

2020              Schemata in the Graphic Novel Persepolis – Accommodation, Combination, Integration. (European Comic Art, vol. 13, no. 2, Oxford, UK)

2017              Superhero Comics from the Middle East – Tyranny of Genre? (Muslim Superheroes: Comics, Islam and Representation, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, US)

2015              Comics studies in the Nordic countries – field or discipline? (Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, vol. 7: 2, Manchester, UK)

2011              “Yo, rag-head!” Arab and Muslim Superheroes in American Comic Books after 9/11 (Amerikastudien/American Studies, vol. 56: 4, Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg Germany)

2007              Manga! – Japanska serier och skaparglädje (Malmö University, Sweden)

2003              Vad är tecknade serier? – en begreppsanalys (Malmö University, Sweden)

1996              Tecknade serier – ett pedagogiskt hjälpmedel? (Malmö University, Sweden)

Awards and honours

2024              Cultural Award (Staffanstorp, Sweden)

2012              Author Residency (Swedish Institute, Paris)

Travel stipend (Kulturkontakt Nord, Stockholm, Sweden)

2011              Stipend (Författarstipendium, Two years, Sveriges Författarfond, Stockholm, Sweden)

2010              Stipend (Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, Stockholm, Sweden)

2008             Stipend (Karin och Arthur Elgstrands Idunfond, Stockholm, Sweden)

Stipend (Publicistklubbens stipendiefond, Stockholm, Sweden)

Stipend (Ridderstads Stiftelse, Stockholm, Sweden)

Travel stipend (Sveriges Författarfond, Stockholm)

2007              Stipend (Region Skånes Kulturstipendium, Kultur Skåne, Malmö Sweden)

2006              Stipend (Studier av japanskt samhällsliv, Swedish Institute, Stockholm, Sweden)

2005              Stipend (Sveriges Författarfond, Stockholm, Sweden)

2004              Nominated: Eisner Awards (San Diego Comic Con, USA)

2003              Stipend (Sveriges Författarfond, Stockholm, Sweden)

2001              Stipend (Studier av japanskt samhällsliv, Swedish Institute, Stockholm, Sweden)

2000              Journalist Award (The Swedish Comics Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden)