Portrait by Matt Madden, with me as the character in his incredible 99 Ways to tell a Story: Exercises in Style. May 11, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 2
I suddenly stumbled upon a parody of myself, in the latest volume of Daniel Ahlgren superhero pastiche SH3. March 10, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
An incredible portrait, by the incredible Karoline Stjernfelt. January 27, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A great portrait of yours truly, by the inimitable Don Rosa. November 17, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Portrait by Catherine Beaunez, inspired by our on stage talk about feminism and comics. September 25, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A great portrait by the new Phantom artist, Henrik Jonsson. I was supposed to look like a villain in the Phantom, but I think I mostly look like the main character in Breaking Bad… September 16, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The festival in Angoulême is drawing to a close, and I’m just as tired and content as I look in this portrait by artist and friend Ulli Lust. February 1, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Steffen Kverneland drawing a portrait in my sketch book, which is rapidly filling up. February 1, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Portrait by the incredibly talented Anneli Furmark. This was at the big Swedish dinner and I was just as tired as I look. Oh, and this was Anneli’s second go at drawing a portrait this evening, as she wasn’t happy with the first one … January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Portrait Norwegian artist extraordinaire Steffen Kverneland, capturing my current state of bewilderment after three intense days at the Angoulême festival. January 31, 2015 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
A mashup portrait by fellow comics historian and Adamson aficionado, Saša Rakezić, aka comics artist Aleksxandar Zograf. November 20, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Another favorite caricature from this year’s Book Fair, by the great Johanna Kristiansson. September 28, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Another beautiful portrait from my trip to New York, courtesy of Ole Comoll Christensen. April 10, 2013 By Fredrik Strömberg 1
Ok, so I’ve shown you the sketches earlier. Here’s the final result of Hanna’s duck version of me in front of the Swedish High Court last year. The full comic can be read at www.hannastromberg.com. January 28, 2013 By Fredrik Strömberg 1