Nytt, stämningsfullt hyllningsnummer till saligen bortgångna Lasse Mortimer. Ut och köp! November 6, 2014 By Fredrik Strömberg 0 Post navigation Previous PostPrevious Strange but true: There is at least one manufacturer in the world still making merchandise with the Swedish comics character Adamson/Silent Sam, even though the heyday of the strip was some 70-80 years ago. This little beauty, which arrived to the Stromberg mansion today, was produced in 2014, and not in Sweden…Next PostNext Today, finally, the four volume, 2000 pages long Comics Through Time arrived. I wrote my entries for this massive encyclopedia more than two years ago, so it’s gratifying to finally hold these volumes in my hands. In doing so, I realize that this encyclopedia is almost twice the size of Maurice Horns gigantic World Encyclopedia of Comics of my childhood.