Crowded at the grand opening of the Comic Art School’s exhibition. May 26, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Getting ready for the grand opening of the Comic Art School’s yearly exhibition. See you at 17.00! May 26, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
At a major exhibition with original art and sketches by the incredible Sven Nordqvist! Well worth a visit. May 19, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 1
Giving the inauguration speech at Kim W. Andersson’s new exhibition April 10, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
At the grand opening of Kim W. Andersson’s exhibition, in his (and my) hometown Staffanstorp. April 10, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Finding my old traveling exhibition Swedish Comics History displayed in my own neck of the woods. Haven’t seen it for years. Nice! March 12, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
The Swedish master of horror comics, Lars Krantz, talking about his new exhibition. February 5, 2016 By Fredrik Strömberg 0
Had to revisit the Franquin exhibition today. It’s just around the corner… Anyway, this time I spent most time in the section with self portraits. Here’s an early one. January 18, 2013 By Fredrik Strömberg 2
Me and my hero. A portrait. #andrefranquin #gaston #bandedessinee January 16, 2013 By Fredrik Strömberg 1