The Christmas beers of 2012.
About The Author
Fredrik Strömberg is a journalist, author and historian, who has studied comics since the early 1990’s. He is one of the editors of Bild & Bubbla, Scandinavia’s largest as well as the world’s second oldest magazine about comics, and the Chairman of the Swedish Comics Association. He writes regularly for newspapers and magazines about comics, heads the Comic Art School of Sweden and sits on the editorial board for the International Journal of Comic Art. Among the books he has written are the English language Swedish Comics History, Black Images in the Comics, The Comics Go to Hell and Comic Art Propaganda. Strömberg lives in Sweden and is currently working on a number of new books about comics.
Spoiler: Mariestad vinner (farsan gjorde samma för ett par dagar sen)
Nope! Våra favoriter blev isländska Jolabjor och danska Mikkellers Santa’s Little Helper. På en hedrande andraplats kom belgiska N’Ice Chouffe och amerikanska Great Divides Hibernation Ale. De två senare brukar placera sig högt på våra julölsprovningar, men de båda vinnarna var nya bekantskaper, vilket var kul.